From slevy Thu Jan 4 00:56:26 2001 To: robertp Subject: what's new (spaceball-driven virdir) Cc: There's a few updated files in a tarball (~3MB) at: To extract (Svend, this will be extracting onto the disk Bob's bringing), assuming it's mounted on /ncsa again: cd /ncsa/virdir tar xvopf /whatever/vdemo1.tar Then to use it: (just as before): set home = /ncsa/virdir cd source ~/.cshrc (then): setenv BALL /dev/ttydXX (wherever spaceball is plugged in) or (if you use the orb instead of spaceball) unsetenv BALL setenv ORB /dev/ttydXX Don't try to use any X-input-extension support for the spaceball, don't run spaceballd, etc. -- we just want to talk to it straight through the serial port. What's working in this virdir version: - buttons C, B, A correspond to left, middle, right wand buttons. - no need to "press button F" -- motion is always enabled in orb mode (Is this bad? Maybe there should be a pause button?) - motion should feel correct (push/pull/twist viewpoint) if you face screen, holding ball with CBA buttons on right and 1-9 buttons on left. Apparently the sball "tail" is detachable, and it can be oriented the other way! -- rotated 180 degrees, so ABC would be on left, and 1-9 on right side. If that seems ergonomically easier to use, lemme know. - new commands: curr toggle toggles "current"<->"orb" (or whatever other nav mode) scale *N or /N rescales bindb ball.N command bind any command to button N bindb ball.N - removes that command binding bindb with no args, lists all bound buttons - new file: data/config/ so that if you "rconf ball" it will bind bindbutton ball.1 slum *2 bindbutton ball.2 slum /2 bindbutton ball.3 scale *2 bindbutton ball.4 scale /2 bindbutton ball.5 curr toggle If you like these, just merge into data/config/ or or something, or better, add feed rconf ball to or whatever. Not yet done: The constrained-motion stuff (btnB on the orb) isn't working at the moment -- I hope I'll have that fixed by tomorrow. I'm working on a spaceballable "adjust" mode, ditto. Colliding-galaxies demo won't work with spaceball yet -- I'll need to recompile it! But all the other start-XXX's should. The star haloes should already be there with "start-hip" -- just try turning polygons on. Talk to you (both?) tomorrow Stuart